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Fee Guide

We understand that this is an investment in yourself and we have 0% finance options available for patients to be able to spread the cost if needed speak to one of our treatment consultants for more information about finance.

Space Confidence & Radiance

Space Straightening plus bonding

*From £120

per month

*Over 60 months with associate dentist.
**6 composites used as an example, available in any numeration.

Simple Single Dental Implants

Restore your smile

Don't miss our exclusive offer - £1999 per tooth

*From £47 per month

*Over 60 months with associate dentist.

single dental implants UK

Upper or lower Fixed implant bridge

4-6 implants

Restore your smile

From £9,999

Full mouth implant based smile makeover

Restore your smile

*From £418 per month

Or from £18,000 in full

*Over 60 months with associate dentist.

Dual arch (upper AND LOWER)
fixed implant bridge

Restore your smile

From £17,999

Removable implant denture

Restore your smile

Lower removable implant denture

Includes - Scans | X-Rays | Titanium Dental Implants | Final Prosthesis

From £4,999

Upper removable implant denture

Includes - Scans | X-Rays | Titanium Dental Implants | Final Prosthesis

From £7,999