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Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you based?

Currently, we have 1 clinic which is located in Wakefield West Yorkshire.

The address is:
Space Dental,
Floor 2, International House,

How do I book an appointment?

One of our Treatment Consultants will be in touch to book you in and discuss your needs.

Are you an NHS dentist?

No, we are a private dental practice and do not take on NHS patients to find a NHS practice near you click the link below.

Do you have an age restriction?

Because we are a cosmetic dentist we can only accept patients 18+

Why do I need retainers following Invisalign?

Throughout your life your teeth will constantly move. The best way to keep your smile healthy and straight is to use retainers, in this video below Dr Affan our Cosmetic Lead Dentist explains the reasoning behind using retainers.

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Yes, all our patients have to see one of our hygienists in the clinic. Any new patient must have healthy teeth and gums in order to have composite bonding completed.

If your gums bleed onto the composite bonding this can discolour the composite bonding.

No, composite bonding is a non-invasive procedure which does not hurt the teeth or the patient.

Composite Veneers are considerably cheaper than Porcelain Veneers all our prices can be found on our website.

No, Composite veneers have minimal prep work added to the tooth prior and are pain free. In order to apply porcelain veneers a small amount of prep work needs to be added to the tooth where the smallest amount 0.3mm will be removed from the tooth so that the dental cement can be used to attach the veneer.

Generally we use Invisalign-Go however Dr Affan is a world renown lecturer in Invisalign and we are able to use all Invisalign types – Invisalign-Go / Invisalign-Lite / Invisalign Full / Invisalign I7.

Yes! For instance, if you need your teeth straightening and composite bonding we can merge these treatments together for you.

We accept Cash/Card/Bank Transfer and Finance. For more information ask our Treatment Consultants during your consultation.